PQ Day 3: Schizoid

Saturday, June 20th 11:40pm Another day where all the planned events failed, and the un-planned things were awesome! I ditched out on my first workshop after two hours. The teacher was way too old school in his approach, and everyone in the class was very young and just discovering lighting, so it felt a lot like

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PQ Day 2: Acclimation!

Friday June 19th, 11:48 pm. The day was filled with seeing exhibitions and getting the lay of the land. My feet hurt from pounding the cobblestones all day! I tried to catch some talks and tribes performances, but many were so packed with people that it was hard to give 100% of my attention. Immediate realization that

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PQ Day 1: Berlin Re-Cap

Thursday, June 18th 12:30pm. On the train from Berlin to Prague. PQ: day one. I have been in Berlin for the last four days visiting my good friend and frequent collaborator, the amazing set-designer, puppeteer, feminist performance artist and mime-in-training, Lisi Stößel. Greatest hits: Bear Pit Karaoke, Beer Garden sauerkraut, DDR Museum, listening to bizarre pro-Russian

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