PQ Day 3: Schizoid

Saturday, June 20th 11:40pm

Another day where all the planned events failed, and the un-planned things were awesome! I ditched out on my first workshop after two hours. The teacher was way too old school in his approach, and everyone in the class was very young and just discovering lighting, so it felt a lot like week 1 of grad school. I jumped in to a PQ talk about urban theater, which was mostly just a discussion about public and private space, and the history of cities and culture. After that I saw a few tribes performances and visited a few more country exhibitions. Japan was cool. They had a merry-go-round. I saw a performance piece by the scenography students on the theme of “one person can be divided, and two people can be one”. They covered the performance area with a water-responsive type of paper which turned from light blue to deep charcoal when wet. They painted characters and shapes, performed around them as they dried up and disappeared…. it was pretty well executed for a bunch of non-performers. I saw three really cool tribes today. The last one was a roving group of performers who were playing dead on the sidewalk. Apparently some well-meaning Czech citizens had called the police on them yesterday, so this was the post-police-trouble encore performance. I tried to jet across town for a show, but left too late and did not get in. boooo. Lisi and I drew each other over wine after dinner. lovely day. More tomorrow.