My PQ Adventure Comes to a Close

June 27th, 2015

Im sitting at the airport with a 5 hour layover, enjoying the beauty and chaos of Terminal 5. Not a trace of that end-of-vacation fatigue or world-weariness. Im 100% stoked to have experienced the last few weeks of my life and psyched to get back to work. The amount of awesome theater and art I’ve seen on this trip will keep my brain and heart pretty full for a while. For any theater designers thinking about attending the PQ- YOU MUST DO IT. I know its now four years away, but please plan your lives with it in mind. Its been extremely revitalizing and invigorating for me and an artist and human. If you are interested in reading about my trip- you will find all my posts below. Blogging during this trip has been really fun, and Im thinking about keeping it up- either as a record of my process, or keeping performance notes on shows that i attend. I usually never write, like, AT ALL, so this has been a good reminder that I really enjoy it, and it might be a great way to improve my memory, which is horrible. Cool! PQ woooooooot! Thanks for reading. XOXO Bye!