PQ Day 2: Acclimation!

Friday June 19th, 11:48 pm.

The day was filled with seeing exhibitions and getting the lay of the land. My feet hurt from pounding the cobblestones all day! I tried to catch some talks and tribes performances, but many were so packed with people that it was hard to give 100% of my attention. Immediate realization that I’m gonna miss stuff, and thats ok. The exhibits from Mongolia, Belarus and South Korea were the most memorable. I caught a snippet of a live performance by Iceland- a cooking performance where they were preparing a recipe for lambs head. The actual lamb’s head was skyped in from Iceland. Lots of turnips on hand, and got to taste some lovely raw slices of those. We saw a few things that were “off program” and these performances are vastly superior. We saw some amazing dancers from Taiwan at World Stage Design 2017 Reception. We kinda crashed the event in order to get some free wine, but ended up seeing some cool shit. Then we crossed the river and arrived at a building where some kids were doing installations and Czech punk bands were playing…. Its also serving as a pop-up squat.. the beer is the cheapest here! The most young and attractive people also hang out here. We will be back. My first workshop is tomorrow- Site-specific lighting design. So stoked. More tomorrow.. so tired.